Alex Bird

Stock Music Sucks

Stock music ruins everything. It’s cheap and convenient, so a lot of agencies use it. The problem is, a lot of agencies use it. We created a series of posters and radio ads that demonstrate the pain and peril of selecting from the same terrible pool of music everyone else uses.

The campaign won some cool paper weights. 

One Show
Gold - Radio & Audio - Craft/Writing - Campaign - TA2 Sound+Music - “Get an Original Track”

Silver - Radio & Audio - Broadcast/Campaign - TA2 Sound+Music - “Get an Original Track”

Marketing Awards
Gold - Copywriting Craft - Campaign - TA2 Sound+Music - “Get an Original Track”

Gold - Self-Promo - Campaign - TA2 Sound+Music - “Get an Original Track”

Gold - Radio Campaign - TA2 Sound+Music - “Get an Original Track”

Silver - Best Copywriting - Radio - TA2 Sound+Music - “Get an Original Track”

Communication Arts
Advertising - Self-Promotion - Radio Campaign - TA2 Sound+Music - “All Wheel Beer,” “Fibre Clean,” “Nature Card”

Advertising - Radio Series - TA2 Sound+Music - “Get an Original Track”

Lürzer’s Archive
Print - Single: TA2 Sound+Music - “Aspirational Morning”

Print - Single: TA2 Sound+Music - “Happy Clappy Ukulele”

Print - Single: TA2 Sound+Music - “Upbeat Corporate Anthem”

All-Wheel Beer

TA2 All Wheel Beer 30 E FULL MIX.mp3

Fibre Clean

TA2 Fibre Clean 30 E FULL MIX.mp3

Nature Card

TA2 Nature Card 30 E FULL MIX.mp3

Writer: Alex Bird

Art Director: Tim Zimmerman

Creative Director: Matt Fraracci